Nutrition Response Testing

What if you could easily achieve a whole new level of vital health? Nutrition Response Testing® is a safe, non-invasive, natural method of analyzing the body’s physical and nutritional needs. It can quickly locate food intolerances, immune stressors, toxins, and identify appropriate nutritional and herbal remedies that help you feel great.

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How does it work? Its a form of muscle testing, or applied kinesiology, used to assess the body’s neurological reflexes. Each reflex tested represents a specific organ, tissue, or function and indicates the effect that energy or lack of energy is having on the body. By using this technique we are able to identify underlying stress or weakness in the body’s systems and organs, which may be affecting your overall health. We are looking for the underlying cause of your symptoms, not merely trying to alleviate the symptoms. Based on the results from Nutrition Response Testing® and other assessments made in the office, we recommend specific whole food nutritional and herbal supplements along with dietary and lifestyle counseling, to help return the body to its natural balance by identifying what your body needs.

How does this program benefit you?
Nutrition affects all of our body’s functions in all states of health or ill-health. In fact, if you aren’t feeling as well as you think you could, the answer probably lies in the way your body is handling its food. Nutritional weaknesses may lead to a break down in resistance and immunity, leading to chronic symptoms like low energy, hot flashes, digestive issues, food cravings, and aches and pains. Each cell, tissue, and organ in your body is in the process of replacing itself every day, month and year. This means that you can improve your health.

If you don’t feel like yourself or you would just like to maintain your great health, this program may be for you.
Detoxification as part of Nutrition Response Testing® Our detoxification programs are unique and are designed to help you combat the problems caused by toxins in our food and environment. Feel lighter, more energetic, and experience a greater feeling of well-being!


Initial Consultation - $190 | Child rate $85
Review of Program & Findings (Second Appointment) - $105
Follow Up Appointments - $90 | Child rate $75

Package Discounts for Nutrition Services*:
Package of 6 Sessions: $475 (12% discount)
Package of 12 Sessions: $918 (15% discount) 
*These sessions do not expire and may be shared with family