Salt Booth Therapy
Our unique S.A.L.T. Booth® is an enclosed dry salt therapy unit with our MULTI S.A.L.T. FX® halogenerator to give you privacy during your salt therapy experience. With the salt booth, unlike the salt room, the concentration of salt particles can be adjusted to offer a more individualized and targeted salt therapy session. Because the concentration of salt is higher in the booth than a salt room sessions only take 10 minutes. There's nothing you need to do to prepare for your salt booth experience. There are no side effects and you can wear your street clothes into the booth. If you want to help heal your skin you can also expose the skin directly to the salted air since you are in your own private salt booth. Since salt is a drying agent, we do suggest drinking water afterwards.
More than 40 years of research, conducted around the world, shows that treatment with salt therapy aka halotherapy has beneficial effects for patients with:
Chronic Bronchitis
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Ear Infections
Various acute or chronic respiratory diseases
Smoker’s cough
Viral infections
Coughs and colds
Chronic ear-nose-throat illnesses
Salt is also extremely beneficial to your skin if you have:
In addition, negative ions from the salt have been shown to reduce:
And negative ions can dramatically increase your:
Immune system
Mental alertness
Overall sense of well-being
As you sit in the salt booth you really want to spend your time taking deep breaths to get the most of your salt treatment.
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10 minutes for $30