What to do About Fluoride Poisoning
You're exposed to fluoride if you take prescription drugs like Prozac, swim in pools, or sit in hot tubs. It's in conventional produce like lettuce, and commercial bread and bakery products. It may be in beverages like iced tea, wine, and beer made with city or town water, or in infant formula. And of course it's in toothpaste. It may even sneak into your food from Teflon coated pots and pans.
Fluoride is a neurotoxin that collects in the brain and spine, increasing the risk of death. Fluoride also calcifies the pineal gland and hardens the arteries. Fluoride toxicity can also increase the risk of hypothyroidism, reduce infertility, and cause debilitating bone disease. So what can we do about it?
The first thing is to make sure your toothpaste doesn't have fluoride in it. Toothpaste ingredients will not be found on the tube but on the box when you first bought the toothpaste so it is best to check online for your toothpaste ingredients.
Step two is to filter your water if it isn't well water or drink bottled water. Brita, Pur and other common filters will NOT remove fluoride. Reverse osmosis water filters are the best for filtering out fluoride along with chlorine and heavy metals but they also take out trace minerals so be sure to replace with mineral drops or a trace mineral tablet.
If you think you may have fluoride toxicity taking iodine and/or tamarind can help. A study that was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that it can remove risky fluoride deposits from your bones. In the study, researchers discovered that healthy boys who consumed a third of an ounce of the fruit for just 18 days noted significant enhancements in their urinary excretion of fluoride. In another study, boys who were given tamarind to eat for just three weeks noted additional fluoride excretion compared to a control group.
However, tamarind also provides another incredibly useful benefit: It can prevent and alleviate chronic diseases. Tamarind seed extract has been shown to target and kill inflammatory chemicals like interleukin, reducing joint pain, swelling and inflammation. This makes it quite useful or those who suffer from osteoarthritis.
In addition, its rich vitamin C content means it can boost immunity and help detoxify. It’s a good source of potassium, supporting healthy blood pressure, and it also helps prevent heart disease by removing excess LDL cholesterol from the veins and arteries in the body. It also promotes circulation and normalizes the levels of triglycerides in the blood. In addition, it boasts a significant iron content, helping to ward off anemia.
It’s important to note, however, that tamarind can thin your blood, so be careful if you take aspirin or other blood-thinning medications.
According to the Fluoride Action Network, many children now exceed the recommended daily fluoride intake just by using toothpaste. More than 50 studies have linked fluoride to lower IQ in children. If you are worried about fluoride exposure for you and your loved ones, tamarind or iodine could prove to be an essential part of your diet or supplement regiment. To know for sure it's best to get muscle tested to see specifically what nutrition your body needs. With the right nutrition the body can detox and heal naturally.