Dr. Alicia Armitstead Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Detox Foot Baths And Why It's So Important

Foot detoxes are becoming more and more popular as a way to rid the body of any harmful toxins. I purchased one and have been using it since 2006 and since its popularity and patients asking about it I purchased one for the office now as well! Potential toxins can range from using aluminum foil , impurities in the air, to chemicals in your home and beauty products. If you're curious about what a detox foot bath is and if it can help you, here's what you need to know. 

A detox foot bath is a specific machine that helps to pull toxins out of the body through the feet by putting ions in the water of which your feet are soaking in.  These ions have a positive charge. The positive charge attracts the negatively charged toxins in your body. The ions in the foot bath water hold a charge that enables them to bind to any heavy metals and toxins in your body, similar to how a magnet works. This allows the toxins to be pulled out through the bottoms of your feet. 

As one goes through a detox foot bath the water will change color depending on the toxins being pulled out.  Water will change color even without your feet in the water due to the impurities in water but it will change differently. I have seen successive foot baths done on a number of people with the water all looking different as an end result. When you do a detox foot bath take a photo when you are finished so I can see what came out. It's helpful in determining other aspects of your detox program. Colors and effects of the water that one may see depends on what is being detoxed from the body:
Black or blue flecks - heavy metals
white flecks - fungus/yeast
color changing orange - toxins from joints
oily bubbles - toxins from lymphatic system

Most everyone, except for pregnant women and those with open sores or an infection on their feet, can benefit from doing a foot detox bath. Besides detoxing, it can be beneficial if you are experiencing athlete's foot, arthritis, allergies, chronic pain, chemical sensitivities, autoimmune disease, edema, inflammation and psoriasis. The number and frequency of foot detox baths varies for everyone and will be determined with your practitioner at Healing Arts.  

There are quite a few detox foot bath machines.  After all my research there are only two machines I have experience with and know get good results, KiScience Advanced Hydrogen Detox Foot Spa and EB Pro Foot Bath. They now have foot detox pads which I don't have experience with but if you do please share! 

We now have a monthly membership for detox foot baths if you want to come in for an unlimited amount of times or you can pay per foot bath.  

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Dr. Alicia Armitstead Dr. Alicia Armitstead

Benefits of PEMF Therapy. Would You Benefit?

As our understanding of the human body and the natural world continues to improve, we are discovering new ways to help support and heal the body with energy. Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF) is one of the most innovative forms of alternative treatments and, since it was initially approved by the FDA in 2013, the available applications of this treatment modality have been continually expanding.

PEMF therapy consists of you lying down on a mat which emits pulses of energy waves. This energy courses through the body directly to inflamed or injured areas. The energy is also drawn to areas experiencing chronic pain.  The energy waves of the PEMF mat pass through the organs and tissues and into the cells of your body, amplifying the cellular energy. The increase in energy promotes a natural reaction that regenerates and enhances the efficiency of the cell’s function. This natural process stimulates healing and helps to improve your overall well-being including your mood. This is why I couldn't wait to have a PEMF mat at the office!

As the energy goes into the body patients usually don’t feel anything.  The energy is that subtle to not disturb the body’s natural process as it goes into the cells.  Besides giving cells energy it also helps increase blood flow which is also part of the healing.  With increased blood flow, it is promoting an increase in the blood’s oxygen levels.  In causing the body to have more oxygen that’s how chronic pain and stiffness is reduced. If you have frozen shoulder or any other really stiff joints PEMF helps with range of motion. 

PEMF therapy works because it directly interacts with the cells in your body. By offering treatment at the cellular level, your body can begin repairing itself from the “bottom up.” This is different than other forms of treatment, such as chiropractic or physical therapy.  The use of these treatments with PEMF therapy can really excel improvements.  

Because PEMF treatments are relatively new, many people find themselves hoping to learn more. One of the most common questions people ask is, how do PEMF treatments help the body?  I also hope this article helps you decide if PEMF treatment makes sense for you.

Reducing Inflammation

Cells that have experienced an illness or injury will often not be able to hold their ideal magnetic charge. Consequently, these cells may become (and cause surrounding cells to become) inflamed. Inflammation is the result of cells “sticking” together and preventing blood flow from progressing as it needs to. With a PEMF device, the cells will can regain their proper charge and inflammation will decrease. PEMF devices also combat inflammation by improving the blood’s chemical content.

Improved Circulation

Circulation is necessary in order for our bodies to properly function. If blood cannot get to where it needs to be (especially in extremities), our skin, organs, and other bodily components will begin to deteriorate. PEMF therapy can help your body immediately improve its circulation and allow all blood cells to flow freely. Incorrect magnetic charges contribute significantly to blood flow issues. After receiving a correct charge via a PEMF therapy, many individuals report feeling better within 15 minutes. Because 1 in 3 adults experience high blood pressure, improved circulation is one of the most common uses for PEMF therapy.

Accelerated Healing

As you might expect, healing is something that often begins at the cellular level. Whether you are experiencing hypertension, fibromyalgia, or various diseases, if you do not address the core problem—damaged cells—recovery will take much longer. PEMF helps assure that cells have their proper charges (both positive and negative). Healthy cells are able to accept the nutrients they need to perform at their very best. With PEMF therapy this enables tissues to heal faster.

Pain Relief

If you are currently in pain, then there is no doubt that you are looking for some sort of relief. If the pain is constant, then the need for relief is even greater. With PEMF therapy you can begin feeling immediate relief from pain, especially pain that is caused by damaged cells. While a total recovery may require a bit more time with body work (massage, physical therapy or chiropractic), PEMF therapy is able to offer many people the short-term pain relief they’ve been seeking—all without the need for invasive surgeries or addictive painkillers.

Improved Mobility

In order for your body to be truly mobile, its natural magnetic field will need to be able to “pass through” without an impediments. After a few treatments, you may begin to notice that you can move your joints and muscles with significantly greater ease. You may also notice a larger range of motion, enabling you to perform more physical functions.

Is PEMF Treatment Right for You?

As you can see, there are many different possible uses and benefits of PEMF therapy.  Studies show that PEMF therapy for 20 min. once a week for 6 weeks helps with conditions like fibromyalgia, muscle pain, arthritis, depression, anxiety, tinnitus, PTSD, Lyme’s, chronic fatigue and musculoskeletal pain.  PEMF therapy is a great option for natural, chemical free pain relief and overall wellness because it functions through cell stimulation. Stimulation at a cellular level helps boost the body’s natural ability to fight back against inflammation. PEMF therapy is so effective because it is able to penetrate through skin, muscle, and even the bone. The electromagnetic field helps fight back against cellular damage and inflammation, and create healthier cells.  As the cells heal, the blood vessels, nerves, and capillaries dilate.  The dilated capillaries enable better oxygenation and blood flow.  Lastly, the increase in oxygen and blood flow encourage a healing environment.

The development of PEMF devices has helped change the ways many people address and recover from certain health conditions. The benefits of PEMF therapy are numerous and positive results can begin to occur quite quickly.  Know that you can use PEMF with other treatments. PEMF presents little to no side effects or drug-related contraindications. This means that you can continue using prescribed medications while undergoing PEMF therapy sessions.  You can do PEMF therapy with joint replacements and any metal support in the body.  Do not do PEMF therapy with a pacemaker or if pregnant.  

We are now doing PEMF therapy memberships where you can come for an unlimited amount of times in a month for $70. Feel free to cancel the membership at any time.  Contact us if you have any questions, info@healingartsnyc.com

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