How Detox Therapy Can Strengthen the Immune System

The New York wellness destination, Healing Arts, offers patients a range of services to help them detox and get healthy. The first step when patients visit Healing Arts is to get muscle tested; determining which organs are weak, and which are strong using biofeedback from the body. The second is to have a personalized detox program created depending on what the muscle testing reveals. Detoxing can help to increase the strength of the immune system; especially important considering the current times. Dr. Armitstead says, ‘with less toxins in the body the ability for the immune system to fight infection is increased tremendously.’

Lymphatic Therapy

Lymphatic therapy is useful to strengthen the immune system as well as improving the efficiency of the circulatory and lymphatic system. Lymphatic therapy works by lowering the volume of retained fluid and toxins in the body. This service is also beneficial for postpartum and post-surgeries. The practitioner uses the Lymphstar Pro Fusion machine; an electrical device that moves the lymph deeply using low-grade electrons. The practitioner will glide the bulb over the skin; if it sticks to the skin there is lymphatic congestion, when the bulb glides smoothly there is no congestion. If the bulb sticks, then the practitioner will move the bulb over the area until it stops sticking. With better lymphatic and blood flow toxins can move out of the body and white blood cells can fight infection easier.

Himalayan Salt Booth Therapy

Salt therapy is another way to strengthen the immune system and detox. Healing Arts’ unique S.A.L.T. booth offers patients a private and customized experience. Patients sit in the comfortable booth taking deep breaths while the booth circulates salt in the air. As the salt goes into the lungs and sinuses it helps detox and reduce inflammation and mucus helping people with sinusitis, headaches, asthma and other breathing problems.

Foot Detox Bath

Here, practitioners use a specific foot detox machine that helps to draw toxins out of the body using negatively charged electrons that attract positively charged toxins in the body. The electrons are like a magnet; binding to heavy metals and toxins present in the body and pulling them out through the feet.

Ozone Sauna Therapy

Ozone therapy helps to break up lactic acid, improve blood circulation, speed up recovery of damaged tissue and more. Ozone sauna therapy combines steam and ozone gas. The patient is placed in a pod that covers them from the neck down. Once the patient is in, they will start to sweat due to the steam, opening the pores and allowing the skin to absorb the ozone while sweating out toxins.

Customizing a detox program using these services is what makes Healing Arts successful at helping people get well and stay well. With the right support the body can detox and heal itself. Dr. Armitstead says, ‘detoxing mold and parasites from people is very common in the office because Western medicine isn’t looking for it as a root cause of disease but if you get to that root cause the body can heal’ .


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