Ozone for the Sinuses
Ozone introduced via the nose also known as nasal insufflation provides benefits to both the nasal passageways, sinuses, and the entire body. Breathe in microscopic organic olive oil (made in a glass jar to be Healing Arts approved because it can’t be in plastic or aluminum) treated with the extra oxygen from the ozone. Inhaling ozone this way helps to reduce allergy symptoms, sinus pain, headaches and inflammation throughout the body.
Studies have mixed reviews on directly breathing in ozone through the lungs and yet the extra oxygen that ozone gives can be so beneficial for the body. Dr. Armitstead loves putting ozone in the air having been asthmatic in her childhood. It cleans the air, kills germs and makes it easier for her to breathe. Knowing these benefits she loved brining the ozone sauna into the office. To be able to absorb the ozone in through the skin has done wonders for our patients. We have seen wonderful changes in the reduction of pain, eczema, and psoriasis, less toxins, and better sleep. Did you know that the ozone sauna can also help with fertility? It really is amazing! Knowing how amazing it is to absorb ozone through the skin made us want to also offer it through the nose and sinuses.
Using nasal insufflation is another safe and easy way to bring extra oxygen into the body. We first have the ozone react with olive oil and then have the client breathe it in. Ozone reacts with the oil to form ozonides and terpenes. It does not contain any active ozone gas so it will not cause irritation. This chemical reaction keeps the lungs safe while still having the health benefits. Health benefits include reduction in sinus pressure and irritation, decrease inflammation in the nasal passages, provides relief from both acute and chronic sinusitis, kills bacteria and viruses, helps with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory infections, reduces brain fog, and promotes overall health and wellness. I will personally do a 20 min treatment once a week to stay healthy. Depending on what you need it for, recommendations vary. For an acute sinus infection you may need it 3 times a week until the infection is gone. Whereas for a chronic infection with no pressure you want once a week for at least four weeks.
$40 for 20 min.
$50 for 30 min.